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I’m Lisa

Your partner in crime when it comes to putting more love, light, beauty and soul into your precious body, being, world and that thing you do in life.

Supporting you to feel good inside and out and upping your professional game in line with what’s calling you. Running and leading your business in a heart-centered way while bringing the world that unique mix of gifts and flavour that only you have to offer.

Yes, You. Like the pattern of a snowflake in all its unique intricate beauty, no one has got the same shape, form and ways of being and doing like you. In how to live your life, interact and how to serve as a contribution. Whether in your everyday life or professional setting and business. No-one. See; you do matter. Big time. More than you’ll probably ever know. This planet needs you and what you have to offer.

I’m here to serve as your professional coach, trainer, mentor and speaker. As the transformational guide, soul visionary, strategic sounding board, catalyst and co-creating confidant for your life adventures, wellbeing and professional games unfolding and taking wing.

I’m a believer in you. In the embodiment of your soul essence, femme flow and the wildness and beauty of your heart and dreams. A shapeshifter taking your experience from one coloured by strokes of lack, stuckness, disbelief, drain, stress, anxiety and fear over to opening up to one of more richness, flow, beauty, peace, joy and love. Soul and strategy in combination set the direction and light the fire for creating a satisfying and purposeful business, life path and life adventure worth the journey.

My invitation to you is to say an even more firm, loud and loving Yes to yourself and what you long for. To leave what’s no longer for you behind. It’s time to get empowered, activated and lit up. To dance with life, take stage with your contribution and to rise. I’m here to take you places you have never been. To set you free. So be it.

Welcome to step in to you soul-aligned self-expression and have that fuel your gifting and contribution to the world; close by and far out. Shine your light. There is nothing more powerful, exquisite and beautiful.


Lisa Clausén


I’m a stand for…

These are the things that I am a total stand for and what I am here to share and support you with.

It’s my so-called Why. My purpose, passion and genius. Simply put my path, play and contribution.

What bliss, honour and joy that truly is! In loving service.


Come, let’s connect!

Let's have a clarifying and activating heart-to-heart conversation and find out how I can contribute to make those things you desire to see come true actually happen. I invite you to book a Rise Clarity & Activation Session to explore how to work 1:1 with me and activate your next steps in life, love and business. Click the button below to get started. Welcome!


Who am I?

Ayur Veda_Energy type
Extended DISC_Behavior and Communication Style
Human Design_Energy Type
StrengthsFinder_guld + rosa_669 x 669_ver PA3

It’s fascinating how several thousand-year-old knowledge from traditional Indian medicine AyurVeda and present time assessment tools like Extended DISC, StrengthsFinder and Human Design, all come to the same conclusion and view on what my key traits and strengths are and thus for how to best support you. Being able to connect the dots both horizontally and vertically all the way from the seen to the unseen is my thing and sacred gift.

❤︎ Guide. Coach. Transformer. Energy shifter.
★ Visionary. Intuitive. Creative. Beautifier.
❤︎ Networker. Humanist. Communicator.
★ Leader. Teacher. Strategic. Action taker.

Well, there you have it. Me in a nutshell. Or two.


Who are you?

I’m here to empower, activate, uplift and guide you as a heart-centered woman, impact-driven entrepreneur and conscious compassionate leader to step into the richness of feeling your very best and to transform your inner and outer reality. To be fully expressed, love yourself up and walk in beauty. To be radiantly alive and to contribute to good around the globe by serving and living from soul purpose.

Your business and that thing you do, is a vehicle for testing out living your dreams and actually deep down it’s an expression for your calling and those whispers and nudges from within craving for you to step into being even more soul-aligned and thus living your truth.

You know it in your bones; you’re here to serve. You are a changemaker.

On a higher note, let’s set the stage and open up for more of feminine values and ways of being and doing to spread, and thereby not only contribute to our own individual expansion and joyful passionate satisfaction, but also to balance this planet into a more loving, human, joyful and inclusive one for all.

Curious minds want to know….Yes, there’s also room for supporting good-hearted men and brave soul brothers. Guys with a Yes to be part of the solution and to respectfully co-create good vibes and a thriving planet. All while threading their own personal and spiritual development journey and have that expand their personal life, relationships, professional arena, biz and leadership. Reach out to me for 1:1 coaching support!

I serve as a space holder, igniter and transformer for make-happen of your dreams and desires. What would be even more intriguing and meaningful to be, have and do? Really, who are you and who do you desire to be set free and unfold to become? Find clarity, be activated and explore how to co-create your next steps. Let’s have a heart-to-heart! I invite you to connect here >


I've got your back!

Wear that dress…

I've got you covered all the way from being to doing. From private to business. I am here to hold sacred transformational space for you to move forward with changing the scene for the next chapter of yours in life, business and leadership. Open up to let it all unfold. Allow your desires to take form and let your kind of magic in. In fact; claim it! Claim yourself.

Eager to roll? I invite you to book a FREE online Rise Clarity & Activation Session with me as a first step. Let’s co-create your next adventures. Remember, life is not a dress rehearsal. Wear that dress you long for and explore the adventures your heart and soul are calling you for NOW. Because frankly, we don’t know when and if tomorrow or the “next time” comes around.

Click here to book your session. I’m looking forward to connecting and personally guide you.


How I do it

My chosen path

My work is multifaceted and multidimensional. I stand firmly rooted in two worlds; the inner and the outer. Serving as a bridge, catalyst and guide between; being and doing, soft skills vs hard skills, personal and spirited vs professional and business. This broad perspective and ability to connect the dots, ensures the best results and the most satisfying life experience along the way to goal and dream manifestation.

I strongly believe in soul-alignment, finding your inner voice, truth and expression as well as cultivating your self-love, ground and inner Zen. No matter what area, role or field you desire to venture to and blossom in.

This is your secret weapon and saving grace to pour into whatever situations at hand; lifestyle, life path, business or leadership. You hold the magic key for change and wellbeing, and at the same time, you are the one you can never escape.


The Nitty Gritty

Coaching is the main framework for the work that I do. Within this frame I also weave other skill sets like;

Health, wellness, energetic, spiritual and self-love related tools: Yoga (Life/Kundalini Yoga), Mindfulness and Meditation. Dance, Movement and Breath. Energy work and Essential Oils. Soul energy readings and clearings in the Akashic Records. Detox and Nutrition. Feng Shui, Clutter Clearing, Space Clearing, Home Styling and Interior Design. Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) and other personal, spiritual development and quantum physics related modalities.

Business, Marketing and Money related tools: Experience and skills acquired from coach certifications, Bachelor studies in Business Administration and Economics at the Stockholm School at Economics, working as an International consulting Financial and Business Controller as well as from coaching entrepreneurs and leaders.

I have a rich experience ranging all the way from Life, Lifestyle, Health & Wellness, Rehab, Career, Business, Leadership to Money Coaching and teachings. Supporting me to see the big interconnected picture as well as the details in the here and now.

Let’s play, shall we?


The school of meeting humans

One of my best schools, besides professional training, experiences and life itself, has been meeting and supporting humans and souls by literally all walks of life; from homeless, unemployed, immigrant, unhealthy and burnt out to yogis, business owners, CEOs and everyone in-between.

I’m simply a people’s person. Curious to get to know, understand and support people to solve and enjoy living the enigma of life. My Soul origin is Divine Love and to me it’s a true gift to be able to do the work I do.

I meet entrepreneurs and leaders, academics and professionals, employers and employees, individuals and groups, whether in the board room, at the office, in front of a group, in individual sessions or on the yoga mat. 


I see you…

I see humans and organizations through a multicoloured, holistic, highly compassionate, wellness oriented, soul purpose, possibility seeking, resourceful and business smarts analytical and strategic lens.

Life is now. Life is here. Let's make the best of it by co-creating, deep diving and finding the best possible solutions for your satisfaction and transition to new positions, experiences, states and worlds.

When you feel called, I invite you to a heart-to-heart conversation with me as a starter. Let’s ignite the flame and start up the action. Simply click the button to book your Rise Clarity & Activation Session to explore how to work 1:1 with me and activate your next steps in life, love and business.


Wonder what it’s like to work with me?

Click the button below to read testimonials and love notes from clients sharing their experience of coaching, guidance and co-creating with me.


This lights me up!


Well then, how about me off the record? On a more personal note; who am I and what lights me up? For short, I'll let some of my passions and favorite things speak through pictures. Here are some of the things that I love, engage in, geek about, dream of and simply can't get enough of....


Desire Support?

Whether it is pleasure or pain that trigger your desire for a shift, I am here to support you. It’s time to shift reality. To live with more passion and purpose. As a first step, I invite you to book a Rise Clarity & Activation Session to explore how to work 1:1 with me and activate your next steps in life, love and business. Go ahead and click the button below to book your session. Talk soon! Welcome!