Quantum Energy & Healing

Let’s unlock your Soul’s potential, purpose and expression.
Infuse quantum energy to open the field of possibilities.


Energy & Healing Services


⚫️ LOVE LIBERATION SESSION - 1:1 love manifestation & healing session + 21-day integration (90 min)

⚫️ QUANTUM RELEASE SESSION - 1:1 multi-dimensional healing session (75 min)

⚫️ AKASHIC SOUL TRUTH SESSION - prep work + 1:1 soul energy reading session (60 min)


⚫️ LOVE LIBERATION BOOSTER - 1:1 love manifestation, healing & coaching package (6-weeks)

⚫️ SOUL EXPRESSED LIVING - 1:1 purpose and magnetic soul expression living upgrade coaching program (8-weeks)




☆ Upgrade Option

◾️ LOVE LIBERATION BOOSTER - a 6-week 1:1 manifestation, healing and coaching package. Info & booking - https://bit.ly/3Uq4QGC

Set yourself free to love in a way you've been longing for. What used to be is the past. Something to learn from, but not to confine you, trap or limit you. Liberate the one you are here and now and open up the gates of potentiality and manifestation to where you desire to go next in the name of love.

Choose to take action to upgrade your reality and what you want to manifest when it comes to love and relationships. Allow quantum energetics to aid in healing past pain, trauma and childhood survival patterns tripping you up when it comes to love. Choose to expand your future attraction powers in a way that solely mindset work and talking newer can render. Call yourself forward to experience your fullness, aliveness and expansion.

Let's pave the way for co-creating a portal for your spirited love union and relationship to emerge with more ease. Whether with your current beloved or a future love partner.

I invite you to book your own 90 minute 1:1 LOVE LIBERATION SESSION, a deeply transformative two-fold quantum energy infused manifestation and healing experience. After the session follows a 21-day integration period. Choose to have your sessions in English or Swedish. Click the button below for more info and booking. Welcome!





◾️ ONGOING HEALING SUPPORT - Are you looking for more ongoing healing support? DM me your specific desires and I’ll get back to you with an offer uniquely tailored to the shifts and goals you like to create. Info and booking - DM me here >

Allow QUANTUM ENERGY healing and shifts to open the doors to potentiality and manifesting your alluring desires. Taste a freedom that spills over into boosting your aliveness factor.

I invite you to come have a 75 min 1:1 QUANTUM RELEASE SESSIONS with me. With an intuitive multi-dimensional yet systematic approach, I'll guide you to uncover, embrace, heal and release what's hidden in the shadows and stands in the way of your desired progression. We'll shift and release negative mindset patterns, energetic imprints and suppressed emotions stored in your body and subconscious.

The session typically bring about a sense of inner peace, security and homecoming, paving the way for connection with the source field and QUANTUM HEALING to unfold. This is crucial key, doorway and magic maker for real change to take place profoundly and long-term for you personally and professionally.

You can choose to have your sessions in English or Swedish. Click the button below for more info and booking.





◾️ SOUL EXPRESSED LIVING - an 8-week 1:1 purpose and magnetic soul expression living upgrade coaching program. Through an Akashic Records Soul energy reading, detecting and clearing negative Karmic patterns and Transformational Coaching you’ll be guided how to boost your joyful satisfaction, ignite your radiance and step into living a purposeful, soul-aligned and fully expressed life personally and professionally. Info & Booking - DM me here >

Beautiful, it’s time, right? Time to sense the aliveness, joy, satisfaction, juiciness and freedom of living as a true expression of WHO you really are at core even more full-on. Yes? Yes! Yes.

I invite you to come have an online 1:1 AKASHIC SOUL TRUTH SESSION (60 min) with me. A Soul energy reading in the Akashic Records reveals your Divine Soul Blueprint. Knowing your SOUL TRUTH, i. e. your Soul TRAITS, core GENIUS and Soul PURPOSE, will serve as your Soul calibrating GPS from now on. Imagine the possibilities and liberation! Good or good?

Ready to gain clarity, guidance and coaching for how to play with the potential of your Soul essence in life and business? Welcome to step into being the Soul unique leader you’re born to be. You can choose to have your sessions in English or Swedish. Click the button below for more info and booking.





◾️ SOUL EXPRESSED LIVING - an 8-week 1:1 purpose and magnetic soul expression living upgrade coaching program. Through an Akashic Records Soul energy reading, detecting and clearing negative Karmic patterns and Transformational Coaching you’ll be guided how to boost your joyful satisfaction, ignite your radiance and step into living a purposeful, soul-aligned and fully expressed life personally and professionally. Info & Booking - DM me here >

◾️ FENG SHUI SPACE & LIFE/BUSINESS MAKEOVER - Harmonize and upgrade the experience of your physical space, energy balance, holistic well-being and life/biz progression! Classical Feng Shui in a unique combo with Transformational Coaching and Energetic Property Clearing (Akashic Records based) will turn your world around into more alignment, feel-good vitality, prosperity and magic. Info and booking - https://bit.ly/FSinquiry

An ENERGETIC PROPERTY CLEARING is for you if you desire to make the best out of your home (or business premises) also energy-wise.

Get rid of old, stagnant, cold and inauspicious energy in your home showing up as a non-supporting, dull and unfriendly atmosphere. It might also be that you desire to lift the ambiance, appeal and prosperity of your business premises or to create a more healthy work environment. Or is there a need for shaping-up an energy-tired and hard-to-sell real estate property?

This online 1:1 ENERGETIC PROPERTY CLEARING (30 min) presents the results of pre-work done for you of reading and clearing your property’s energy in the Akashic Records. In addition, I’ll elaborate and give Feng Shui suggestions on how to further improve the vibrational experience of the property. Setting the tone for an upgraded home (or business) experience.

Your home is your base, sacred space and rocket fuel. It can contribute to make or break you. Make it work in your favor. Come upgrade your ability to live and thrive the way you truly desire. You can choose to have your sessions in English or Swedish. Click the button below for more info and booking.



Wonder what it’s like to work with me?

Click the button below to read testimonials and love notes from clients sharing their experience of coaching, guidance and co-creating with me.