Unlock your Soul secrets, liberate your purpose and be empowered to live who you came here to be

Akashic Soul Truth Session with Lisa Clausén

Beautiful, you’re here. It’s time, right? Time to tap into what the purpose, meaning and driving force of your life really are about beneath it all. That which makes it all feel even more worthwhile. The promise and the key to change the way you play the game of life and the direction of your business and Pro endeavors.

Now, I figure there might be….

✦ A sense of feeling lost and wasting self, time and life
✦ Nudges, body signals, longing, question marks and confusion
✦ Worry, stress, boredom, stuckness and even fear
✦ A lack of self-esteem and self-love having you doubt your worth
✦ A restless craving for purpose bothering you day and night
✦ A deep calling from within to awake and rise in consciousness
✦ An unsettling hunger to dare to live full-on and make use of and blossom in the untapped potential that you know resides in you

What if I told you that a big part of the clarity, energy and liberation you’re seeking comes from knowing your true self and Soul Purpose?


The Invitation

I invite to come have an online 1:1 AKASHIC SOUL TRUTH SESSION with me. By doing a Soul energy reading in the Akashic Records for you I’ll uncover the true nature of your Divine Soul Blueprint. Imagine what knowing your Soul Truth, i. e. your Soul’s origin, traits, genius and Soul Purpose, will do for this precious thing called life? Get the clues for what you and your life journey is, and could be, all about. Simply put, be soul-infused and soul-aligned! That’s the greatest gift you can ever give yourself and to the people around you. Be embodied and aligned to start living the 5D Soul version of yourself in your 3D human reality everyday life even more fully. Let’s co-create to guide the intangible to transfer into aligned action and manifest in an up-leveled soul-infused fulfilling way of doing life and business.


The Promise

An AKASHIC SOUL TRUTH Session with me holds the promise of…

🖤 Purpose and living your Soul’s calling, direction and potential
🖤 Genius and knowing your unique gifts and how to serve
🖤 Self-esteem and knowing your richness and worth
🖤 Empowerment and walking tall and proud
🖤 Calming your nervous system and coming home to self
🖤 Meaning and easing that restless hollow feeling inside
🖤 Embodying your Soul truth in human form
🖤 Expression and daring to be seen, heard and blossoming
🖤 Satisfaction and sparkling joy de vivre

Let’s ground and fly at the same time, eh?

So, tell me, are you curious about the possibility of sensing the aliveness, the joy, the satisfaction and to taste the juicy nectars of living your Divine self-expression even more full-on? Yes? Yes! Yes.

Let the findings of your Soul Truth be your new Soul recalibrated GPS for your private and professional adventures from now on!

Good or good?
One life. Now.
Love yourself up.


What you’ll get


Prep work by Coach: Akashic Records reading of your Personal Soul Energy; i. e. Soul origin, traits, gifts and Soul Purpose.


1 x 1:1 online Akashic Soul Truth Session à 60 min. Presenting and coaching about the results from the Akashic Records reading; Soul ID, genius and Soul purpose.
(Value incl prep 997 EURO)


An action plan for how to integrate and implement the results of your session.
(Value 297 EURO)


An audio recording of your session. Supporting you to integrate the teachings and results of your session bit by bit.
(Value 47 EURO)

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Testimonial_Soul Realignment_Ulla Luthström

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Overview of the session

So, what will you receive through an Akashic Soul Truth Session?


Pre-session I’ll conduct a deeply penetrating reading of your personal Soul Energy in the Akashic Records. The reading reveals your Divine Soul Blueprint: Soul origin, traits, gifts and purpose and indicates how to play the game of life in an even more satisfying, joyful, exciting and worthwhile mode. Allowing the veil of confusion, stuckness and dissatisfaction to lift and revealing that there’s more life to life to explore, dare and embrace when living your purpose, genius, potential and passions.

Akashic Soul Truth session

With the pre-work done, we’ll meet up for an empowering online Akashic Soul Truth Session à 60 min where I’ll present and coach you around the results of the Akashic reading. Get to know yourself better by learning what’s already aligned. Also, be coached on what new directions, choices and actions that’s got the potential to further improve your life experience. Knowing your Divine Soul Blueprint’s purpose, genius and Soul ID will serve as your guiding lights and GPS for the future. (Value incl prep 997 EURO)

Action plan

During the session, we’ll co-create an action plan for what beneficial steps to take to integrate and implement the results of your reading. (Value 297 EURO)


BONUS - An audio recording of your Soul Truth Session. Supporting you to process and integrate the teachings and results bit by bit. (Value 47 EURO)

(Total value of session: 1 341 EURO)



Are you ready to uncover and illuminate the truth of who you really are at core? Get to know the 5D version of yourself in the form of your Soul origin, traits, genius and Soul Purpose and be able to take action on living and gifting it in your 3D human reality. Warmly welcome to purchase your AKASHIC SOUL TRUTH SESSION by clicking the button below.


422 EURO (Value 1 341 USD)

Purchase & Booking

✦ LANGUAGE - You can choose to have your session in English or Swedish. Any written material in English.

BOOKING - Shortly after your purchase, you’ll receive a link to book a time for your session.

✦ PURCHASE - Warmly welcome to purchase your AKASHIC SOUL TRUTH SESSION by clicking the button below.

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Got questions?

Hey, do you have questions about the Akashic Soul Truth Session? Simply click the button below and message me and we’ll take it from there. Let me know what your Q’s are, eh? Follow your calling to expand and reach out to me to explore how to get going.