Clear, energize, harmonize & beautify your spaces

Choose your Makeover

Space Makeover Services

⚫️ ENERGETIC PROPERTY CLEARING - prep work + 1:1 session (30 min)

⚫️ FENG SHUI INQUIRY - 1:1 session (45 min) to apply for a Feng Shui Space & Life/Business Makeover




Book an Energetic Property Clearing with Lisa

☆ Upgrade Option

◾️ FENG SHUI SPACE & LIFE/BUSINESS MAKEOVER - Harmonize and upgrade the experience of your physical space, energy balance, holistic well-being and life/biz progression! Classical Feng Shui in a unique combo with Transformational Coaching and Energetic Property Clearing (Akashic Records based) will turn your world around into more alignment, feel-good vitality, prosperity and magic. Info and booking -

◾️ SOUL EXPRESSED LIVING - an 8-week 1:1 purpose and magnetic soul expression living upgrade coaching program. Through an Akashic Records Soul energy reading, detecting and clearing negative Karmic patterns and Transformational Coaching you’ll be guided how to boost your joyful satisfaction, ignite your radiance and step into living a purposeful, soul-aligned and fully expressed life personally and professionally. Info & Booking - DM me here >

◾️ SOUL MAGNETIC LEADER - a 3-6 month 1:1 soul-aligning, purpose-driven, visionary and unique expression coaching program for soul-led leaders. This immersion will birth and elevate the next expression of who you are as a leader and how you desire to walk this earth and serve as a leader for your customers, clients and the collective. You know in your bones, that you’re here to make a difference and be part of the change.

A multi-dimensional approach of transformational coaching, professional mindset work and energy healing and shifting tools will support your progression to find, open and own yourself and your soul magnetic expression..

feel grounded and secure, self-loving, worthy, joyful, highly satisfied Through an Akashic Records Soul energy reading, detecting and clearing negative Karmic patterns and Transformational Coaching you’ll be guided how to boost your joyful satisfaction, ignite your radiance and step into living a purposeful, soul-aligned and fully expressed life personally and professionally. Info & Booking - DM me here >

An ENERGETIC PROPERTY CLEARING is for you who desire to make the best out of your home or business premises also energy-wise. Energy is what speaks to our subconscious and sets the foundation and tone for our experience of our physical surroundings.

HOME - Get rid of old, stagnant, low, cold and inauspicious energy in your home showing up as a less than homy, supporting, uplifting and friendly atmosphere and instead be able to create a more welcoming home.
Upgrade Option 1 - Feng Shui Space & Life Makeover package
Upgrade Option 2 - Soul Expressed Living 8-week coaching program

BUSINESS - As a business owner and leader you look for ways to lift the ambiance, brand attraction and prosperity of your business premises. Wanting more customers and clients to be attracted, return, stay on and be more inclined to make purchases.

If you want to take it one step further, you might also have a burning desire for your brand to be infused with an authentic soul-aligned magnetic expression of who you are at core as a leader, what values you are a stand for and the higher vision of how you desire to e of service to your clientele and in the bigger scheme of things; the world.
Upgrade Option 1 - Feng Shui Space & Business Makeover package
Upgrade Option 2 - Soul Expressed Living 8-week coaching program
☆ Upgrade Option 3 - Soul Magnetic Leader 3-6 month coaching program

REAL ESTATE - If you’re a real estate professional or about to sell you own home, then let me support you to shape up an energy-tired and hard to sell real estate property.
☆ Upgrade Option - Home Staging Checklist Session

In summary, an ENERGETIC PROPERTY CLEARING lays the foundation and sets the tone for an upgraded home - or business - experience. It suits perfectly to combine with an upgrade to a Feng Shui Space & Life/Business Makeover package, a Soul Expressed Living coaching program, a Soul Magnetic Leader coaching program or a Home Staging Checklist Session should you desire to create an even more transformational experience and setting for your physical spaces, life, business and leadership.

An ENERGETIC PROPERTY CLEARING have the potential to lift your emotional state, hopes and visions to be high and bright all the way to fulfillment. Upgrading your ability to live and thrive the way you truly desire. Your home is your base, sacred space and rocket fuel. It can contribute to make or break you.

I welcome you to book your ENERGETIC PROPERTY CLEARING session by clicking the button below. For the upgrades - see the options to the left.




Want to Feng Shui your home or business? Let’s take it even further! I present the opportunity of having a FENG SHUI SPACE & LIFE/BIZ MAKEOVER. Apply for it through this Inquiry Session.

The Makeover package contributes to enhance not just the energy, ambiance and harmony of your physical space, but also your personal energy balance, holistic wellbeing and life/business progression. For businesses, let it assist you to infuse new vitality in your biz, re-brand and grow as a leader.

During the Inquiry Session, we’ll explore if this unique combination of Classical Feng Shui, Transformational Coaching and Energetic Property Clearing based on an Akashic Records reading, might be just what you’re looking for.

Welcome to book your online Feng Shui Inquiry Session by clicking the button below. Note! You can choose to have your session in English or Swedish.



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