Allow your spaces to come alive!

Book an Energetic Property Clearing with Lisa

Looking to shake things up and brighten the experience and subtile overall feeling of your home and physical spaces?

By conducting an ENERGETIC PROPERTY CLEARING I support you to make the best out of your home (or business premises) not only aesthetically, but also energy-wise.

Get rid of low, stagnant, old, cold and inauspicious energy in your home showing up as a less than a homy, supporting, uplifting and friendly atmosphere.

It might also be that you desire to lift the ambiance, appeal and prosperity of your business premises or to create a more healthy work environment. Or is there a need for shaping-up an energy-tired and hard-to-sell real estate property?

This online 1:1 ENERGETIC PROPERTY CLEARING (30 min) presents the results of pre-work done for you of reading and clearing your property’s energy in the Akashic Records. In addition, I’ll elaborate and give Feng Shui suggestions on how to further improve the vibrational experience of the property.

This clearing sets the tone for an upgraded home (or business premises) experience. In fact, it also supports your emotional state, hopes and visions to be high and bright all the way to fulfillment. Upgrading your ability to live and thrive the way you truly desire.

Know this; your home is your base, sacred space and rocket fuel. It can contribute to make or break you. Make it work in your favor.



For your home

  • Having your home cleared and updated energy-wise. Getting rid of tired, stagnant and non-supporting low vibration. Opening your space up for a brighter and more harmonious energy experience enabling you to relax, recharge and rejoice.

  • Your home being a safe haven where you feel grounded and supported. This also being a prerequisite and fuel for cultivating strength, energy, stamina and courage for taking on life and business also outside of the protective and cocooning walls of your home. Enabling you to more easily reach the dreams and goals you desire to see come true.

  • Having an ambiance in your home that’s like a sacred and healing temple supporting you to feel grateful, connected, nurtured and blossoming.

For your business premises

  • Having a business premise that is energetically cleared and at a high energy and conscious level. Supporting you to bring the mission, vision and Soul brand of your company alive and attractive to potential customers and clients.

  • Your business spaces on a subconscious energetic level not only supporting you and your employees to feel good, healthy and thriving, but also make your business’ clients, customers and visitors feel at home, at ease, cared for, curious and uplifted. Imagine what that will do for your company brand, employer brand and the wellbeing of your people and finances.

For your Real Estate

  • Being able to clear out stagnant, low and unfriendly energy in real estate properties and get those slow sales to speed up. Supporting you to be able to finally close seemingly hard-to-come real estate deals.


What you’ll get

Akashic Records Reading by Lisa Clausén

preparation work

Prep work by Coach: Akashic Records Reading, Analyzing & Clearing of
Property Energy

Energetic Property Clearing with Lisa Clausén

Energetic Property Clearing Session

1 x 1:1 Property Clearing Session à 30 min
Presenting and coaching around the results from the Akashic Records Property
reading and energy clearing.
(Value incl prep 579 EURO)

Akashic Records Reading Session Audio

Audio Recording

An audio recording of your session. Supporting you to integrate the teachings and results of your session bit by bit
(Value 47 EURO)

Bonus_Feng Shui Tips

Feng Shui Tips

Feng Shui tips to support even further vitalizing and lifting the property energy
(Value 197 EURO)


Overview of the session

So, once more, what is it you’ll receive through an Energetic Property Clearing?


I’ll conduct a deeply penetrating reading, analyzing and energy clearing of your Property vibration in the Akashic Records pre-session. Thus, the reading and clearing is done remote, not on site.

Energetic Property Clearing Session

With the pre-work done, we’ll meet up for an online session à 30 minutes where I’ll present and coach around the results of the Akashic Records Property reading and clearing. (Value 579 EURO)


BONUS 1 - An audio recording of your Energetic Property Clearing results session. Supporting you to integrate the teachings and results of your session bit by bit. (Value 47 EURO)

BONUS 2 - Receive Feng Shui tips to even further support revitalizing the atmosphere and lifting the energy vibration of your physical spaces. (Value 197 EURO)

(Total value of session: 823 EURO)


Wonder what it’s like to work with me?

Click the button below to read testimonials and love notes from clients sharing their experience of coaching, guidance and co-creating with me..



Are you ready to upgrade your physical environment and to set a good base for expanding, thriving and overall feeling good? Warmly welcome to purchase and book your Energetic Property Clearing with me by clicking the button below.

✦ INVESTMENT - The investment for the ENERGETIC PROPERTY CLEARING is: 288 EURO (Value 823 USD).

✦ LANGUAGE - You can choose to have your session in English or Swedish. Written material in English.

✦ PURCHASE - Welcome to click the button below to go ahead and make your purchase and book your session all at once.



Hey, do you have questions about having an Energetic Property Clearing done? Or want to figure out if we a good match to work together and and me guiding the energetic make over of your physical spaces? Simply click the button below and message me and we’ll take it from there. Let me know what your Q’s are, eh? Follow your calling to expand and reach out to me to explore how to get going.