Step into the fullness of who are.
Live your vitality, passion, purpose and potential.

Tell me, where are you at? Stuck? Bewildered? Bored? Frustrated, stressed-out or worried? Wondering why you’re feeling like you do? What your purpose in life is and where your joyful, playful and creative self is hiding?

How on earth to muster courage to crack the code to live your potential and to ignite more passion? And whatever happened to your sense of life-affirming feminine flow and the play with masculine focused direction?

Or maybe you are high on life and eager to go for your desires, try something new and expand yourself, your vitality and reach? Excited to explore how to grow your impact-driven business, develop as (or into) a conscious compassionate leader or simply to shift your professional game and projects and wonder HOW?

Butterfly jitters of excitement and fear are probably both dancing in your gut right now. Pleasure and pain competing for space. Lean in. I’m here to support you to navigate this rodeo. Come, let’s have a heart-to-heart.

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A stepping stone for shifting reality

A Rise Clarity & Activation Session with me holds the promise to be that before-and-after breaking point in time. A stepping stone to shifting your reality into something even more desired.

Come explore, find clarity and get activated to plan and make happen of what’s calling you. Get ready for the next steps and adventures of your life, love, business, leadership and professional route.

Dare to follow your intuitive Yes

Listen, once there is a YES deep down inside, there is no need to beat around the bush. It is Soul calling you. No need for further information grabbing, endless scenario gaming or what if’s to keep playing in your head. At this stage, hesitation is just a smokescreen of fear and worry. Let go of the control that keeps you stuck in fear mode. Instead, listen to your intuition and body that already knows. Consciously choose to dare to make the unknown familiar. Trust yourself and existence to play in your favour.

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Liberate yourself

Let’s convert the dark, grey, anxious, cloudy and held back into golden, light, calm, crystal clear and free.
Remember, it’s OK to ask for more and want to expand also when things already are good and working.
Embrace the totality of who you are rather than suppressing.
Knock on the door to Source’s limitless field of potentiality.

Trust in your desires and dreams. They are here for a reason.
Trust in your ability, worthiness, lovability and right to be, do, have and experience the best.
It’s time to allow yourself to take space, stage and voice.
Come, let’s explore what’s next and plan how to make that happen for you.
Let’s convert dreams into reality.

Apply to work with me longterm

This session serves as part of the application process for entering a 1-on-1 program with me as your coach, guide and co-creator. If we are a good match I’ll present a plan for how I can best support you to free yourself to act in a way that sparks joy and supports manifesting your desires into concrete form more easily. Imagine the possibilities opening up.

Book your session

The time is now. Let's raise the vibration, fuel your satisfaction, shape destiny and have a talk, eh?
Welcome to book
your Rise Clarity & Activation Session to explore how to work 1:1 with me and activate your next steps in life, love and business. Click the button below to get started!
Note! You can choose to have your session in Swedish or English.

Testimonial by Andres Perea

Client Cases







Read love notes!

Click the button below to read testimonials and love notes from clients sharing their experience of coaching, guidance and co-creating with me.


Book your session

Welcome to book your Rise Clarity & Activation Session to explore how to work 1:1 with me and activate your next steps in life, love and business. Click the button below and get started!
Note! You can choose to have your session in Swedish or English.


The Evolve Process

When working with me you will be guided through the framework of THE EVOLVE PROCESS: During your Activation Session and the upstart of receiving coaching support from me, we’ll go through the steps of Exploring, Clarifying, Activating and Planning. The common thread for it to lead to the most satisfying and successful results and to have the very best life experience along the way, is for your development journey to be based on your unique Soul Purpose. As a next step; Soul Purpose, Transformational Coaching, multidimensional guidance and energy work along with aligned actions are what then is driving the process further all the way to manifesting dreams, desires, goals and plans into concrete results. During a longer coaching period, there will be iterations of these steps throughout your process of evolving to something even more desired and set as a goal for the coaching period.


The gifts of your Activation Session

During our Activation Session you will:

  • Find clarify on what your dreams and desires really are and what direction to move in. This is crucial in order to be able to set tangible goals and take actions aligned with your genius, vision and soul purpose.

  • Start to become aware of what’s blocking you from reaching, achieving and creating the results and dream manifestation you long for.

  • Explore the path and plan potential next steps that have got the ability to take you from the now, bridging the gap all along to reach where you desire to go, be and do.

  • Activate an enhanced state of inner peace, self-trust and lit up action mode as you gain clarity of your future path and step into the vibration of it happening.

  • Gain insights into how to build a solid base and infrastructure within and around you for enabling your desires to come true with more ease, flow and grace.

  • Become aware if we’re a good match to work together and learn how I can be instrumental in your desired personal/spiritual growth, holistic lifestyle and relationship upgrades and professional progression.

Testimonial by Ulla Luthström

Book your session

Welcome to book your Rise Clarity & Activation Session to explore how to work 1:1 with me and activate your next steps in life, love and business. Go ahead and click the button below!
Note! You can choose to have your session in Swedish or English.