1:1 Coaching Package - 4 months

Energy Bliss Boost 1-on-1 Coaching Package with Lisa

Beloved, how about liberating yourself from what messes with feeling good? Get out of stuckness and open up to more vitality in your body and being. Ignite experiencing life and its potential and beauty in full bloom. Believe in yourself och an enhanced life experience being in reach. It’s yours in the making.

I welcome you to take part in the energizing holistic wellness journey called ENERGY BLISS BOOST. It’s a bespoke 4-month 1:1 coaching package tending to your unique needs where essential oils, multidimensional energy shifting tools and coaching support your wellbeing and expansion in all dimensions; body, mind, feelings, spirit and energy-wise.

I’ll serve as your Transformational Coach, Essential Oil & Holistic Wellness Guide and Consciousness Mentor by your side each step of the way of your ENERGY BLISS BOOST progression journey.


Imaging this…

Essential oils and candles

Manage your energy

You often find yourself low in energy, or rather with an easily fluctuating energy level over the course of a day and you’re desperate to learn how to better manage your energy levels. You seriously need an energy boost and to figure out how to handle what frankly feels almost disabling at times.

With essential oils in reach
and in everyday use, you have brilliant pick-me-up tools easy-peasy handy for energy-management and to support infusing calm, strength, stamina or zest or whatever is called for in everyday life and business situations. Life is moments on a string. You like to pop them, eh?

Sweet release, essential oil can give a turn-around and a be a total lifesaver for dealing with…

  • periods of stress, adrenal fatigue and burnout

  • going through life challenging situations and coping with health, love, job and money related scares

  • being energy sensitive; like a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP). an Ayurvedic Vata energy type, a Human Design Projector aura type and/or an empath e t c


Your plant-based pharmacy

You are giddy at the thought of being able to build up an all-natural plant-based energy medicine home pharmacy. Supporting you and your loved one’s holistic health and wellbeing. This is in total alignment with the clean, holistic and spirited lifestyle you’ve chosen and keep on choosing to expand bit by bit.


When the afternoon slump usually is prone to grab you, you are happy to have tools in the form of uplifting end energizing essential oils and energy shifting exercises as tools to support you to get going with what you have at hand and needs to get sorted.

Essential oils in palms
Aroma Touch Essential oil, genstomes & soap

Stop the worry merry-go-round

At times worry, anxiety and fearful mindset games slow you down from make happen of those dreams and desires you are upbeat and feel excited about. Essential oils support you to ease out of this, lift your mood and be able to progress more courageous and productively with your plans.

Release emotional patterns

You realize there are some old deep-seated emotional patterns that you seem unable to shake on your own. With essential oils and energy shifting exercises, you’ve now got tools to support you on the embrace, re-calibrate and liberation journey of dealing and releasing the layers of this.


Mindful living

You love cultivating the ability to listen to and detect the needs of your body and being in the moment. With this mindfulness practice in swing, how about letting energy medicine assist you to deal with and soothe whatever is going on? Essential oils and multidimensional energy shifting practices are handy and immediately accessible tools to mindfully put into action throughout your day.


You are grateful to have found tools like essential oils that do make a difference; energy and wellness-wise. Enabling you to practice self-care and thus self-love and body-love with ease. A couple of drops here and there and you notice a difference in how you feel and how you show up in the world.

Woman smelling an essential oil bottle

Step it up and shine

Then there are those times when you want to enhance your energy and stamina as a prerequisite to either better manage an especially challenging event or period, or in order to lay the foundation for an elevated way of doing and leading your business.

Desiring to be able to be at your best with your health and wellbeing intact, and to also ignite your radiance and thus your boost that intangible attraction factor. Rise and shine! Allow essential oils in combo with consciousness and energy shifting practices to support you with this vitality and stamina upgrade and ongoing management.


Beloved, you are so worth it! All of this! And more.


How is it to be coached and guided by Lisa?

- Irina Riviera, Holistic Coach & Entrepreneur, Switzerland

- Philipp Aeschlimann, Life Coach & Entrepreneur, Switzerland


The Package

The 4-month ENERGY BLISS BOOST package consists of:

★ START-UP SESSION - 1 x 1:1 Start-up Essential Oil Consultation (2 hours) online or IRL (in Stockholm, Sweden). During this session, we’ll clarify and determine your wellness and personal growth goals and focus throughout the program. This will reveal what personalized essential oil protocol to have as a starting point for your transformational journey and thus decide what essential oils to choose to start with and to order. (Value 1 797 EURO)

★ COACHING SESSIONS - 6 x 60 minute online 1:1 Transformational Coaching Sessions. Once you’ve ordered and received your essential oils and got started using them according to the initial essential oil protocol, we’ll meet up for online 1:1 Coaching Sessions every 2nd week. On each occasion, I’ll coach and guide you on how to understand and release emotional patterns, boost and balance your holistic wellbeing, manage your energy level and support your personal and spiritual growth. (Value 5 397 EURO)

EXIT & CELEBRATION SESSION - 1 x 1:1 Exit & Celebration Session (90 min) online or IRL (in Stockholm, Sweden). During this session, we’ll summarize and celebrate your progression throughout the program. Also visioning and strategizing the next steps for your future growth and wellbeing. (Value 1 347 EURO)

★ ESSENTIAL OIL PROTOCOL - Throughout the duration of the package, you’ll receive a personally tailored Essential Oil protocol to follow in-between sessions aiming at step-by-step addressing current and/or long-term emotional and holistic wellness challenges. Typically you’ll work with the same set of oil for the duration of four weeks. Then we evaluate what the focus of the oil protocol for the upcoming four-week period will be and adjust it accordingly. (Value 997 EURO)

★ ENERGY SHIFTING TOOLS - To further progress your healing and elevation, you’ll also be supported by and guided through multidimensional energy-shifting exercises. These can be based on yoga, meditation, mindfulness, breathwork, NLP, tapping, consciousness and energy shifting healing modalities. (Value 997 EURO)

★ HOME PLAY - In addition, there will be coaching exercises, holistic practices and actions to engage in as home play in between coaching sessions in order to further support your progression, wellness and energy boost. (Value 697 EURO)


★ BONUS 1 - As a parting bonus, you’ll receive an essential oil blend uniquely tailored to support your continued growth and healing journey. (Value 111 EURO)

★ BONUS 2- 1 x 1:1 Follow-up Session (45 min) held within 6 weeks of the program ending. It’s time to take stock of where you are at and your insights and progression after the program. I’ll support you to strategize ideas for the future. (Value 675 EURO)

Pay-in-full Bonus

★ PAY-IN-FULL BONUS - If you choose the Pay-in-full Payment Option you will receive the “Forgive and Set Yourself Free Package” consisting of a guided forgiveness exercise (audio), a powerful eye movement guided iiYoga healing exercise (video) to reprogram your nervous system, written forgiveness guidance and the “Forgive” renewal essential oil blend. Forgiveness towards self and others is often a crucial factor in letting go of deeply seated emotional, mindset and energetic patterns keeping you stuck from progressing in your personal and professional life. Let’s shift the vibration and potential of what’s possible for you once you liberate yourself from your subconscious inner prison of shame, guilt, fear, worry and heaviness due to unresolved conflicts, traumas and troublesome relationship experiences and encounters. Drop the patterns holding you back from shining your light even more brightly. (Value 447 EUR)

Total Value of the package: 12 465 EURO


The Essential Oil Protocol

You’ll go through a personally tailored Essential Oil protocol to follow in-between sessions. Each essential oil suggested is there for the purpose of addressing a current and/or long-term emotional or holistic wellness challenge. To initiate growth opportunities by dealing with and releasing emotional and energetically engraved patterns or physical problems. The oils can be used aromatically, topically and internally. Typically you’ll work with the same set of oil for the duration of four weeks. Then we evaluate what the focus of the oil protocol for the upcoming four-week period will be and adjust it.

Please note, this usually implies to step by step add new essential oils to your essential oil library following each four-week assessment coaching session. Aiming at capturing the energetic frequency, traits and qualities of suggested essential oils and what’s beneficial for your personal development, energetic calibration and holistic wellbeing over time. This is something to be on board with for the program to work.

Easy to use

The beauty of essential oils are that they are easy and handy tools to use in your everyday life. Supporting you to manage your energy levels and dealing with natural emotional and wellness fluctuations and life happenings. As well as addressing what’s been causing friction for longer periods of time.

Essential Oil Forgive


The investment in the BLISS ENERGY BOOST 1:1 coaching package is:

A. Payment Option 1 - FULL PAYMENT

4 444 EURO (Value 12 465 USD) **** SAVE 500 EURO with full payment ****

➢ NOTE! SAVE 500 EURO with the full payment option.
➢ PLUS in addition, receive: PAY-IN-FULL BONUS “Forgive and Set Yourself Free Package” (Value 447 EURO)

B. Payment Option 2 - PAYMENT PLAN

6 payments x 824 EURO paid every 30th days (Value 12 018 EURO)


Included in the package of this 4-month program is:

  • 1 x 1:1 Start-up Essential Oil Consultation Session (2 hours) online or live in Stockholm, Sweden. (Value 1 797 EURO)

  • 6 x 1:1 online Transformational Coaching Sessions (60 min/session) held every 2nd week. (Value 5 397 EURO)

  • 1 x 1:1 Exit & Celebration Session (90 min) online or live in Stockholm, Sweden. (Value 1 347 EURO)

  • Essential Oil protocols personally tailored to your unique needs. Updated every 4th week throughout the program. (Value 997 EURO)

  • Energy-shifting tools used throughout the program as additional transformational support. (Value 997 EURO)

  • Home Play - In between sessions you’ll engage in home play in the form of coaching exercises, holistic practices and actions. (Value 697 EURO)


  • Bonus 1 - 1 x Unique Essential Oil Blend tailored to support your continued growth and healing journey after the program. (Value 111 EURO)

  • Bonus 2 - 1 x 1:1 Follow-up Session (45 min) held within 6 weeks after the program to follow up on progression, insights and future plans. (Value 675 EURO)


  • Pay-in-Full Bonus - The “Forgive and Set Yourself Free Package”: a guided forgiveness exercise (audio), an iiYoga healing exercise (video) to reprogram your nervous system, written forgiveness guidance and the “Forgive” renewal essential oil blend. (Value 447 EUR)

Total Value of the Energy Bliss Boost package: 12 465 EURO




Feeling called? Warmly welcome to purchase your ENERGY BLISS BOOST 1:1 coaching package according to your chosen payment option by clicking one of the buttons below. (Choice - sessions in English or Swedish)


Payment Option 1:
4 444 EURO


Payment Option 2:
6 payments x 824 EURO


Got questions?

Feeling intrigued, pulled and called to enter this bespoke 4-month container of energetic, emotional, spiritual and wellness upgrading, however before you do, you desire to straighten a question mark or two? Well then, feel welcome to have a heart-to-heart with me. I invite you to go ahead and message me by clicking the button below and let me know. Looking forward to hearing from you!


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