Want to join my team?
The Opportunity
Are you curious about essential oils? Have a positive mindset and a warm heart beating for people, health and wellness? A holistic and inclusive view on things? Dream of starting a business? Well then, if you are a Yes to all of that, I am here to present you an idea for how to co-create change for good on this planet and for the people around you.
See, if you know in your heart that essential oils are true gems for energy management and for supporting holistic health and emotional wellbeing, you might be curious to as well explore the possible business side of them.
If you, just like me, desire to be able to also share, sell and network to spread the benefits and magic of essential oils to others, you can do so by becoming a Wellness Advocate (Independent Product Consultant). The choice is yours whether to make it a hobby or to build a more full on essential oil business out of it.
I see essential oils as excellent energy medicine tools that can and do make profound shifts for the better in people’s lives, and I have chosen for essential oils to be part of my business. I’m devoted to contributing to people’s holistic wellbeing and supporting fellow travelers to have tools for feeling good in their own skin and for doing and spreading good on the planet. Essential oils fit to a T into this passion of mine.
Now I’m looking for others with a similar desire, passion and drive to join the essential oil adventure with me.
The Oils
The essential oils I work with, and that we would be co-creating to spread into the hands of others, are by the brand dôTERRA. The name means “gift from the earth”. dôTERRA provide pure, 100% plant based essential oils of the highest quality. The essential oils are 3rd party tested and marked to be of Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade, CPTG, before released to the market to ensure a high quality and a safe use.
dôTERRA is US based and the largest essential oil company in the world. The repurchase, retention, rate of the products is 65 % compared to the 10 % average for the direct selling industry. This to me indicates the benefits and potency of the products. The company is led by an authentic and good-hearted group of industry experienced owners. dôTERRA is at the forefront of the industry and very much so involved in research in regard to the effects and benefits of essential oil. Learn more here >
The company’s essential oils are sourced where the plants thrive the best. At the moment the assortment consists of over 100 different essential oils sourced from over 40 countries across the globe. Building committed partners and good relationships is the chosen path and 96 % of the essential oils are delivered exclusively to dôTERRA. This initiative is called Source To You. You can learn more about it here >
Through the concept of Co-Impact Sourcing®, dôTERRA is engaged in developing long-term, mutually beneficial supplier partnerships with growers and distillers. The aim is as well to create beneficial conditions for their local communities, a fair and ethical treatment by creating sustainable jobs and to provide reliable income in disadvantaged areas. Learn more about the Co-Impact Sourcing® initiative here >
The company also contributes to good causes around the Globe through their doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation. The mission is to bring healing and hope to the world, for lives free of disease and poverty, and ultimately to teach impoverished cultures to be self-reliant. Some examples are building schools, water wells and health clinics for the societies of their co-impact sourcing partners, projects led by their Wellness Advocates and for other good causes in general. Learn more about the Healing Hands Foundation here >
dôTERRA is a pioneer in integrating plant based energy medicine with Western medicine and have started to roll out health clinics with these two approaches combined. They have also partnered up with St. Elizabeth Healthcare to create a Center for Integrative Oncology within St. Elizabeth's new Cancer Center in Edgewood, USA, opening in the fall of 2020 (announced pre-Corona).
On a personal note, dôTERRA’s holistic approach to health and wellness as well as their social heart engaged contribution to people’s living conditions overall, makes me very happy, proud, touched and hopeful to be part of.
The Specifics
When you become a Wellness Advocate (Independent Product Consultant) you receive a 25 % discount on all your purchases. There’s a yearly renewal fee is $25/15€ and in return you’ll receive a bottle of Peppermint essential oil which retail value exceeds this yearly membership fee. Thus, this basic setting is the same for Wellness Advocates as for Wholesale Customers.
Share, sell and network
In addition to these discounts, you have the right to share essential oils with others when you become a Wellness Advocate. It’s your choice if you desire to just sell oils to others or if you as well desire to build your own network and team for spreading the oils to other people on a larger scale locally, nationally and Internationally. Whether you do this as a hobby or are interested in creating a holistic health and wellness business is totally up to you.
Receive bonus points with monthly LRP orders
As a Wellness Advocate you, just like Wholesale Members, have the extra possibility of earning additional bonus points à 10-30 % on purchases made. This by signing up for so-called monthly Loyalty Reward Programs (LRP) orders. The reward points earned from your monthly LRP orders can be used towards future product purchases. Signing up for a monthly LRP orders is the next smart move to do after becoming a Wellness Advocate (or Wholesale Customer).
As a Wellness Advocate - compared to a Wholesale Customer - the aim for you is to be able to share, sell and network besides using the essential oils yourself. To be able to collect your sales and network bonus, you are required to order for a minimum of 100 PV (points) per month. If for some reason, one month you don’t desire to collect your bonus, you can order for a minimum of 50 PV (points) and keep receiving reward points and building the reward percentage (10 - 30%). An order of minimum 1 PV (points) ensures you’ll keep the unspent reward points already earned as well as maintaining your current percentage level of the Loyalty Reward Program. Lastly, In order to receive the special “essential oil of the month” for free, your monthly order ought to be at least 125 PV (points). The desire or not to receive a free essential oil of the month is of course totally optional. Just a possibility.
Your first order - A pre-made kit or your own mix?
At time of registration as a Wellness Advocate, you either order a pre-made Enrolment Kit or create your own mix of product to buy for starters. If creating your own package, there is a start-up members fee of $35/20£. Note, if choosing one of the pre-made Enrolment Kits, the start-up members fee is waived. Good to know is that the pre-made enrolment kits are extra discounted with 25 % compared to buying products one by one. I.e. enrolment kits are additionally discounted on top of the 25 % discount you already receive when buying at wholesale prices as a Wholesale Customer or Wellness Advocate.
Something to be aware of as well, is that some enrolment kits are so-called “Fast Track Enrolment Kits”. These kits render from start a higher percentage for earning reward points when signed up for monthly Loyalty Rewards Program (LRP) orders; 15 - 25 %. To compare; the normal starting point is 10 % and it takes 13 months to reach the full pot of 30% in reward bonus. With these special fast track enrolment kits also comes a gift of 100 - 400 reward points to use for product purchases. Thus the Fast Track Enrolment Kits gifts you a shortcut to higher bonus percentage and free access to products worth about 100 - 400 EUROS.
See available Enrolment Kits:
Sweden - info here >
United Kingdom - info here >
USA - info here >
Canada - info here >
Australia - info here >
New Zealand - info here >
Hong Kong - info here >
For other markets - get in touch with me for more info.
The Compensation Plan
When sharing essential oils with others through selling and networking there are different ways you can be compensated:
A - Getting Started
Retail Profit - You earn 25% on purchases made by your Retail Customers.
Fast Start Bonus - When you enroll someone new directly under you in your network, at level 1 so to speak, you will receive 20% of the PV (points) value of their orders the first 60 days after registration. This is called a Fast Start Bonus. If you personally enroll someone on a lower level in your network you will receive 10% on level 2 and 5% on level 3.
Power of Three Bonus - When you enroll three new people directly under you in your network, i.e. on level 1, during the same calendar month and reach a team PV (points) of at least 600 PV you’ll receive a Power of Three Bonus. This can happen as well for your level 2 and level 3 enrolments.
See a graphic overview of the Compensation Plan:
In English - click here >In Swedish - click here >
B - Residual Earnings
Unilevel Organizational Bonus - You earn 2 - 7 % on up to 7 levels beneath you in your network organization. If there are levels not active, the system so to speak decompresses the linage and finds up to 7 levels to compensate you for (if available).
C - Leadership Pools
Leadership Performance Pool - See the graphics of the Compensation Plan for more info.
Empowerment Pool - See the graphics of the Compensation Plan for more info.
Diamond Pool - See the graphics of the Compensation Plan for more info.
See a graphic overview of the Compensation Plan: In English - click here > OR in Swedish - click here >
Your Choice
How does this all sound to you?
I’m looking for leaders, networkers and business builders. What do you say, are you curious to explore the idea of joining my essential oil tribe and start sharing the magic of essential oils with others? Interested in starting and building an essential oil business and the possibility of having me as your mentor and co-creation partner on your essential oil biz adventure?
I invite you to work with the best quality essential oils and to co-create change for good together with an International network of warm-hearted, caring and soul-connected people.
Let’s talk! Please get in touch if this speaks to you. I'd be delighted to hear from you.
Essential oils are truly energy medicine at its best. An easy tool to have handy in any situation whether at home or away for supporting body, mind, feeling, spirit and our energy. To this, it’s a business opportunity that brings good to you and yours as well as to peeps all around the globe.
What do you say? Sounds like something you desire to engage in and be part 0f?
I welcome you to get in touch with me if you feel called to explore the possibility of joining my Essential Oil tribe of leaders and business builders, get my mentoring support and to co-operate spreading natural health and wellness solutions into the hands of the others. How does it get any better than this? What more is possible?
Step in to be a changemaker, a champion of the heart and a force for good and wellbeing of all.